July 28, 2010

Sour Cherry Pie Rug

I have a
of sour
cherry trees
thoughtfully planted
by dining birds and gathering squirrels

In spring
these trees transform into
fragrant clouds of blossom white

And in summer
they are lit
with fiery globes of
butter yellow
cheery cherry red

hung against a bright blue sky

July 21, 2010

Oh joy!

the Oriental lilies
are all a bloom
greenhouse warm and perfumed
luscious colors
shapes and scents
pure hedonistic pleasure

July 13, 2010

Lion's Paw

you can see why
it inspired a song.

This one
grown from a packet of seeds
souvenir of a traveling friend,
blooms every year.
And every year
I drink it in
all in awe
that it continues to exist
despite being far away
from it's natural habitat.

The ability to not only survive
but, adapt and thrive
is a humbling and inspiring
thing to witness.

July 07, 2010

Make a Wish

Ever since
i was a kid,
my second favorite thing
about the 4th of July
is having a box of sparklers
in hand.

There is a certain ceremony
that takes place
before you strike the match
and set the sparks in motion.

It's the moment when you
close your eyes
and think about something
that you really really want.
and then,
with your wand
of miniature stars firing,

you write it across the sky.

that wonderful painting in the photo?
it's by amazing Jill Mayberg